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Five Ways To Make Your Workout Habits Stick This Time

by Meredith Youngson |

It may not be January 1st, but as the sun finally shows itself, so do our knee caps and that means our desire to tear up the treadmill is reignited.

Fall off the wagon this Spring? Before you spend all your cash on motivational Lycra and recyclable yoga mats, try these tips below to get the elusive flow of momentum back. 

1) Make it visual: Take a page from Oprah's magazine (literally or figuratively) and cut and paste pictures on a dream board. It's dorky but I look at mine every darn day. Unless company is over. Then it goes under the bed.

Not into arts and crafts? Write it in your iCal! Or whatever modern-age ladies are doing these days. Putting it somewhere that you see everyday spreads on an extra thick layer of accountability. 

2) Look at the bigger picture: Whats the real reason you want this? The reallll reason. Write it down and remind yourself everytime you'd rather skip town to get kombucha and 'take a rest day'. 

3) Set a "trigger": There is a reason you crave nutella every evening at 9pm. Our brains are wired to want to do the same silly things day after day. It's just easier that way. #Science. Get the upper hand by tricking your mind into auto-pilot to help build long term habits. 

Example- placing your leggings and sports bra beside the bed at night or setting a timer for 5:55 as a workout reminder. 

4) Have a pre + post workout ritual: AKA treat yourself! Set yourself up for success by prepping your body and mind with a hydrating + energizing beverage. Zenergy keeps me going for days. 

After the deed, it's time to applaud yourself for sticking to your habit. I'm talking banana chocolate protein smoothies, iced coffee, Golde Tea (sweet, spicy + super anti-inflammatory) or avo toast topped with the works. 

5) Go low and slow: It can be tempting to go all Jillian Michaels on your first week. 85 pushups to glory! Butttt you'll likely have an easier time keeping the habit going if you commit to consistently showing up first. Once the habit is deeply ingrained and you have momentum is your time to kick it up a notch. 

There you have it lovelies! 

What's your hack for keeping you in the game?



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